Ratatool is a tooling suite for sampling, generating, and comparing data. It contains several tools worth checking out, but this tutorial be focused on using BigDiffy.
The goal of this tutorial is to create a pipeline that ingests historical WTA Tennis matches and player information, map them to a format BigDiffy can use, run BigDiffy, and analyze the output. We will be creating a simple Scio pipeline in order to properly map and store the data. The code should be fairly intuitive, and there will be instructions on how to run the pipeline.
This tutorial will require a GCP environment to run the Scio and Ratatool pipelines.
Getting the Data
WTA tennis ranking data can be found here. The data can be downloaded via git clone git@github.com:JeffSackmann/tennis_wta.git
. The files we will be using for this tutorial are wta_players.csv
and wta_rankings_10s.csv
. wta_players.csv
has the following schema: layer_id, first_name, last_name, hand, birth_date, country_code. wta_rankings_10s.csv
has the schema: ranking_date, rank, player, points, tours.
For convience of the Scio pipeline, we will store the player and ranking data in GCS. Run gsutil mb -p $PROJECT_ID gs://tennis-wta-csv
and copy the files over via gsutil cp tennis_wta/wta_players.csv gs://tennis-wta-csv/wta_players.csv
and gsutil cp tennis_wta/wta_rankings_10s.csv gs://tennis-wta-csv/wta_rankings_10s.csv
Creating the Scio Pipeline
Scio is a Scala API for Apache Beam and Google Cloud Dataflow. We will be writing a simple Scio pipeline to map our tennis match data into Avro, which is a file format that BigDiffy understands.
In order to create our Scio pipeline, run sbt new spotify/scio.g8
and enter yes
to the DataflowRunner [yes/NO]:
prompt, all other prompts can be left as default. This will create our pipeline under the scio-job
Pipeline Logic
Since Scio CSV parsing isn’t included in the template, update the build.sbt
and add
"com.spotify" %% "scio-extra" % scioVersion,
to the libraryDependencies ++= Seq(...)
Replace the contents of WordCount.scala
package example
import com.spotify.scio._
import com.spotify.scio.avro.types.AvroType
import com.spotify.scio.extra.csv._
import com.spotify.scio.values.SCollection
import kantan.csv._
import scala.util.Try
// type to represent a row of wta_players.csv
case class Player(playerId: String, firstName: String, lastName: String)
// type to represent a row of wta_rankings_10s.csv
case class Ranking(rankingDate: String, rank: String, playerId: String, points: String)
// type to represent a PlayerRank Avro record
case class PlayerRankingOutput(playerId: String, firstName: String, lastName: String,
rankingDate: String, rank: Long, points: Long,
playerIdMonth: String)
object WordCount {
def main(cmdlineArgs: Array[String]): Unit = {
// parse CLI arguments
val (sc, args) = ContextAndArgs(cmdlineArgs)
val year = args("year")
val wtaPlayersInput = args("wtaPlayerInput")
val wtaRankingsInput = args("wtaRankingsInput")
val output = args("output")
// read wta_players.csv and key by playerId
val playerCsvs: SCollection[(String, Player)] = {
implicit val decoder: HeaderDecoder[Player] =
HeaderDecoder.decoder("player_id", "name_first", "name_last")(Player.apply)
sc.csvFile(wtaPlayersInput).map(p => (p.playerId, p))
// read wta_rankings_10s.csv and key by playerId
val rankingCsvs: SCollection[(String, Ranking)] = {
implicit val decoder: HeaderDecoder[Ranking] =
HeaderDecoder.decoder("ranking_date", "rank", "player", "points")(Ranking.apply)
sc.csvFile(wtaRankingsInput).map(r => (r.playerId, r))
// join on playerId
val joined: SCollection[(String, (Player, Ranking))] = playerCsvs
// map each row to a PlayerRankingOutput avro
.flatMap {
case (playerId, (player, ranking)) =>
val month = ranking.rankingDate.substring(4, 6)
// key by playerId_firstName_lastName_matchMonth
// this is the column that BigDiffy will use to find player match
// results across two datasets
// filter by the year arg
.filter(playerRanking => playerRanking.rankingDate.startsWith(year))
// map(...).sampleByKey(...).values.flatten is used to
// key by month, then pick a single (arbitrary) match across one month for each month
.map(playerRanking => (playerRanking.playerIdMonth, playerRanking))
.sampleByKey(sampleSize = 1)
// save as a PlayerRankingOutput avro record
Running the pipeline
Before we run big-diffy, we will need to create a dataset in BigQuery for BigDiffy to create tables and write it’s output to. We can do this through the CLI via gsutil mb -p $PROJECT_ID gs://tennis-wta-avro
Additionally, we will need a service account with Dataflow Worker, Service Account User, BigQuery Job User, BigQuery Data Owner, BigQuery User, and Storage Creator + Viewer permissions.
Also, be sure to enable the Dataflow API for your project if you haven’t already.
We can build the JAR with sbt stage
and run it via:
sbt "runMain example.WordCount
--project=[PROJECT] --runner=DataflowRunner --zone=us-east1-b --region=us-east1
--wtaPlayerInput=gs://tennis-wta-csv/wta_players.csv --wtaRankingsInput=gs://tennis-wta-csv/wta_rankings_10s.csv
since we need another year to compare the data, run the job again with a different year.
sbt "runMain example.WordCount
--project=[PROJECT] --runner=DataflowRunner --zone=us-east1-b --region=us-east1
--wtaPlayerInput=gs://tennis-wta-csv/wta_players.csv --wtaRankingsInput=gs://tennis-wta-csv/wta_rankings_10s.csv
Inspecting the data
The data should be inspectable via avro-tools. Simply pull down one of the avro files with gsutil cp gs://tennis-wta-avro/wtaRankingsAvro/2010/part-00000-of-00001.avro .
and inspect it with avro-tools tojson part-00000-of-00001.avro | less
Installing Ratatool
Instructions for installing Ratatool can be found here. If you’re on Mac, there is a Homebrew tap:
brew tap spotify/public
brew install ratatool
Otherwise download the release jar and run it:
wget https://github.com/spotify/ratatool/releases/download/v0.3.10/ratatool-cli-0.3.10.tar.gz
tar xvf ratatool-cli-0.3.10.tar.gz
Running Ratatool
bq --project_id=[PROJECT] --location=US mk -d --default_table_expiration 3600 ratatool_wta_output
then we can run BigDiffy via
ratatool-cli-0.3.10/bin/big-diffy --input-mode=avro --output-mode=bigquery --key=playerIdMonth --lhs=gs://tennis-wta-avro/wtaRankingsAvro/2010/\*.avro --rhs=gs://tennis-wta-avro/wtaRankingsAvro/2011/\*.avro --output=ratatool_wta_output.tennis-wta-bigdiffy --project=[PROJECT] --runner=DataflowRunner --region=[REGION] --serviceAccount=[SERVICE_ACCOUNT]
Analyzing the results
To inspect the Ratatool output, navigate to your BigQuery dataset in the GCP console. In there, you’ll see three tables that Ratatool has created: tennis-wta-bigdiffy_fields
, tennis-wta-bigdiffy_global
, and tennis-wta-bigdiffy_keys
contains information on the delta’s for each key in the 2010 and 2011 datasets. The key
column corrosponds to that players WTA ID, first name, last name, and month the match took place (seperated by underscores).
We will see MISSING_LHS
in the diffType
column if a player didn’t play for that month in 2010, but did play for that month in 2010, and vis-versa for MISSING_RHS
. A diffType
means that that player had the same score across both years for that month’s match, and a diffType
means that player scored differently for that month’s match in 2010 and 2011.
The delta.field
column corrosponds to the field Ratatool is comparing. In this case, that column will either be rank
, corresponding to that player’s WTA ranking at the time, and points
, corresponding to the number of points that player scored.
The delta.left
and delta.right
correspond to the value for the delta.field
for 2010 (left) and 2011 (right).
The delta.delta.deltaValue
column shows the difference in value from delta.left
and delta.right
, so if the delta.field
is rank
, the id is 200079_Kim_Clijsters_02
, delta.left
and delta.right
are 17
and 1
, and delta.delta.deltaValue
is -16
, then that means that Kim Clijsters rank rose from 17
in 2010
to 1
in 2011
in the month of February.
At this point, we can do further analysis in BigQuery by sorting players by the greatest increase in ranking from 2010 and 2011 via:
SELECT * FROM `[PROJECT].ratatool_wta_output.tennis-wta-bigdiffy_keys`
AND delta.field = 'rank'
ORDER BY delta.delta.deltaValue asc
LIMIT 1000
contains global stats such as numTotal
, numSame
, numDiff
, numMissingLhs
, and numMissingRhs
contains count, min, max, count, mean, variance, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis for the rank, points, and rankingDate fields across both datasets.