
I am a data-engineer at Spotify! I type things on a computer and hope nothign breaks!



Jeroo is a programming language learning tool designed for classroom use. I designed the compiler to handle multiple language styles, such as Python, Java, and Visual Basic. The compiler, written in OCaml, is also able to type-check and generate efficent bytecode. The bytecode is then interpreted, in TypeScript, as various actions on the Jeroo game board.

The game can be played here: jeroo.org/beta.

Gameboy (Color) Emulator

My Gameboy Emulator project is a functional hardware emulator for the 1989 Nintendo Gameboy and Gameboy Color. It is capable of playing Gameboy ROM files such as Tetris and Pokemon Crystal. The emulator is written entirely in Rust and is capable of beging compiled to various OS’s and web browsers through Web Assembly.

Features include: multiple hardware types, accurate emulation (passes Blargg cpu_instrs tests), Real Time Clock emulation, battery backup saving, and Gameboy Color emulation.

The source code can be found here: benkonz/gameboy_emulator.

The web port is running here: emulator

Bitset Container

My Bitset Container project is a C++ Header Only library that provides C++ STL iterator functionality for bits of arbitrary length.

The source code can be found here: benkonz/BitsetContainer
