Building a Brainf*ck Compiler with Rust and LLVM

Ben Konz · July 28, 2020

LLVM is a collection of compiler toolchain technologies used to compile dynamic and static programming languages. It’s heavly used in programming languages, such as Clang, Emscripten, and Rust!

This tutorial is going to go over how to create a simple compiler using LLVM for Brainf*ck in Rust. The completed code can be found here: brainfrick-rust

Brainf*ck Introduction

Brainf-ck is a very simple, turing complete, programming language that is made up of 8 commands. Each command is a single character, so parsing out an entire brainf*ck file is easy. Just read every character and match the character with a command. If the character isn’t a command, just skip it and move to the next character.


Character Meaning
> increment data pointer
< decrement data pointer
+ increment the byte at the data pointer
- decrement the byte at the data pointer
. output the byte at the data pointer to stdout
, accept one byte of input from stdin, storing it’s value in the byte at the data pointer
[ if the byte at the data pointer is zero, then move the program counter to instruction after the matching ], otherwise move to the next instruction
] if the byte at the data pointer is nonzero, then move the program counter to the instruction after the matching [, otherwise move to the next instruction

Sample Program

This simple program is going to add the current cell’s value to the next cell


Think of [ and ] as while (*data_ptr) { and }, respectivly. We decrement the current cell’s value with -, then increment the data_ptr with >, then increment the new value at our data pointer with +, then decrement the data_ptr back to where it was at the start of the loop with -.

Since this is surrounded in a [ ], we are going to do this until the value at the data_ptr is 0, effectivly adding the value at the data_ptr to the next value in memory.

Project Setup

This project uses LLVM-10, as well as Cargo.

Start with:

cargo new --bin brainfrick-rust

then edit the Cargo.toml file and add this to the dependencies:

inkwell = { git = "", branch = "llvm10-0" }
clap = "2.33"

clap is used to make parsing command line args easier

Verify that everything works by running:

cargo build

Unless you’ve already installed the LLVM-10 development files on your machine, you will probably get an error message complaining about being unable to find LLVM-10. If that’s the case, just follow the “Compiling LLVM” instructions here.

Your First Executable

We’re going to start by making a simple executable that just returns 0.

To start, we’ll parse out the command line args. The first argument will be our input file and the -o OUTPUT will be our output file.

extern crate clap;

use clap::{App, Arg};

fn main() -> Result<(), String> {
     let matches = App::new(crate_name!())
                .help("source bf file to compile")
                .help("output filename")

Next, we’ll create our context, module, and builder

use inkwell::context::Context;

let context = Context::create();
let module = context.create_module("brainfrick_rust");
let builder = context.create_builder();

After that, we’ll create a main function type, which takes no arguments and returns an i32 and add it to our module

use inkwell::module::Linkage;

let i32_type = context.i32_type();
let main_fn_type = i32_type.fn_type(&[], false);
let main_fn = module
                .add_function("main", main_fn_type, Some(Linkage::External));

Next, we’ll set the builder’s instruction pointer to the main function and use it to build a return instruction

let basic_block = context.append_basic_block(main_fn, "entry");

// our compiler will go here

let i32_zero = i32_type.const_int(0, false);

Finally, we’ll have to setup LLVM to convert the builder to machine code and write that result to a file

use inkwell::targets::{
    CodeModel, FileType, InitializationConfig, RelocMode, Target, TargetMachine,
use inkwell::OptimizationLevel;

// use the host machine as the compilation target
let target_triple = TargetMachine::get_default_triple();
let cpu = TargetMachine::get_host_cpu_name().to_string();
let features = TargetMachine::get_host_cpu_features().to_string();

// make a target from the triple
let target = Target::from_triple(&target_triple)
.map_err(|e| format!("{:?}", e))?;

// make a machine from the target
let target_machine = target
    .ok_or_else(|| "Unable to create target machine!".to_string())?;

// use the machine to convert our module to machine code and write the result to a file
let output_filename = matches.value_of("output").unwrap();
    .write_to_file(&module, FileType::Object, output_filename.as_ref())
    .map_err(|e| format!("{:?}", e))?;

The FileType::Object can be changed to FileType::Assembly to write human-readable machine instructions, which is very useful for debugging your compiler

Running the executable

By setting the file type to FileType::Object, LLVM will produce an Object File. That file cannot be run by itself, and needs to be linked togeather by a linker. Typically, this is ued by ld, but the right arguments to ld varies based on Linux disro. The easier way to link your object file is with gcc, which, internally, calls ld with the right args.

echo $?

The echo $? should print out the status code of the last program. You can modify the let i32_zero = i32_type.const_int(0, false); line to return any integer.

Standard Library Functions

Before we start compiling our source program, we need to initialize the memory that our brainf*ck programs will use. This means calling the calloc libc call.

After we’ve initialized our builder, we’re going to add this code

use inkwell::AddressSpace;

let i64_type = context.i64_type();
let i8_type = context.i8_type();
let i8_ptr_type = i8_type.ptr_type(AddressSpace::Generic);

let calloc_fn_type = i8_ptr_type.fn_type(&[i64_type.into(), i64_type.into()], false);
let calloc_fn = module
    .add_function("calloc", calloc_fn_type, Some(Linkage::External));

We’re also going to want to add the getchar and putchar functions, which are going to get used by the . and , commands.

let getchar_fn_type = i32_type.fn_type(&[], false);
let getchar_fn =module
    .add_function("getchar", getchar_fn_type, Some(Linkage::External));

let putchar_fn_type = i32_type.fn_type(&[i32_type.into()], false);
let putchar_fn =module
    .add_function("putchar", putchar_fn_type, Some(Linkage::External));

Next, we’re going to call calloc and initialize our data and ptr variables, which will both point to the result of our calloc call. After the builder.position_at_end(basic_block); line, we’re going to add this code:

let i8_type = context.i8_type();
let i8_ptr_type = i8_type.ptr_type(AddressSpace::Generic);

let data = builder.build_alloca(i8_ptr_type, "data");
let ptr = builder.build_alloca(i8_ptr_type, "ptr");

let i64_type = context.i64_type();
let i64_memory_size = i64_type.const_int(30_000, false);
let i64_element_size = i64_type.const_int(1, false);

let data_ptr = builder.build_call(
    &[i64_memory_size.into(), i64_element_size.into()],
let data_ptr_result: Result<_, _> = data_ptr.try_as_basic_value().flip().into();
let data_ptr_basic_val =
    data_ptr_result.map_err(|_| "calloc returned void for some reason!")?;

builder.build_store(data, data_ptr_basic_val);
builder.build_store(ptr, data_ptr_basic_val);

Finally, we’re going to call free on our data pointer. This isn’t really necessary, since the program ends right after, but it is good practice. LLVM has a convience function called build_free, so we don’t need to add the free function to our module.

    .build_free(builder.build_load(data, "load").into_pointer_value());

Let’s verify that everything is working correctly. Recompile our code and make another executable with cargo run. Re-link it with gcc, then run ltrace ./OUTPUT_FILE.exe. You should see something like this:

calloc(30000, 1)        = 0x55a9ec9482a0
free(0x55a9ec9482a0)    = <void>
+++ exited (status 0) +++

ltrace traces all of the library calls of an executable, so we should see a call to calloc and a call to free.

We’ll need to setup some boilerplate code to read in our input file and iterate through all of the characters. After builder.build_store(ptr, data_ptr_basic_val);, add

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::collections::VecDeque;
use inkwell::basic_block::BasicBlock;

let source_filename = matches.value_of("INPUT").unwrap();
let mut f = File::open(source_filename).map_err(|e| format!("{:?}", e))?;
let mut program = String::new();
f.read_to_string(&mut program)
    .map_err(|e| format!("{:?}", e))?;

let mut while_blocks = VecDeque::new();

for command in program.chars() {
    match command {
        '>' => build_add_ptr(&context, &builder, 1, &ptr),
        '<' => build_add_ptr(&context, &builder, -1, &ptr),
        '+' => build_add(&context, &builder, 1, &ptr),
        '-' => build_add(&context, &builder, -1, &ptr),
        '.' => build_put(&context, &builder, &putchar_fn, &ptr),
        ',' => build_get(&context, &builder, &getchar_fn, &ptr)?,
        '[' => build_while_start(&context, &builder, &main_fn, &ptr, &mut while_blocks),
        ']' => build_while_end(&context, &builder, &mut while_blocks)?,
        _ => (),

we will fill out these functions in the next sections

Compiling ‘>’ and ‘<’

The > and < operations are similar enough that we can make a function that moves the ptr by an amount parameter.

To move the pointer around, we’ll use the build_in_bounds_gep, which takes a pointer and a list of ordered indexes. The function is marked as unsafe because it is very likely to SEGFAULT if we index outside the bounds of the array. This code doesn’t do any size checks, so it is likely that indexing outside the 30_000 bytes of memory from our calloc call will SEGFAULT.

use inkwell::builder::Builder;
use inkwell::values::PointerValue;

fn build_add_ptr(
        context: &Context, 
        builder: &Builder, 
        amount: i32, 
        ptr: &PointerValue
    ) {
    let i32_type = context.i32_type();
    let i32_amount = i32_type.const_int(amount as u64, false);
    let ptr_load = builder
        .build_load(*ptr, "load ptr")
    // unsafe because we are calling an unsafe function, since we could index out of bounds of the calloc
    let result = unsafe {
            .build_in_bounds_gep(ptr_load, &[i32_amount], "add to pointer")
    builder.build_store(*ptr, result);

Compiling ‘+’ and ‘-‘

The + and - operations are similar enough that we can make a function that adds the value that ptr is pointing to by an amount parameter.

First, we’ll load the pointer variable, then we’ll load the value at that that pointer points to. Then, we use build_int_add to add that value to amount.

fn build_add(
        context: &Context, 
        builder: &Builder, 
        amount: i32, 
        ptr: &PointerValue
    ) {
    let i8_type = context.i8_type();
    let i8_amount = i8_type.const_int(amount as u64, false);
    let ptr_load = builder
        .build_load(*ptr, "load ptr")
    let ptr_val = builder.build_load(ptr_load, "load ptr value");
    let result = builder
            .build_int_add(ptr_val.into_int_value(), i8_amount, "add to data ptr");
    builder.build_store(ptr_load, result);

Compiling ‘.’ and ‘,’

Here, we’ll make use of the getchar_fn and putchar_fn functions.

Compiling ‘.’

use inkwell::values::FunctionValue;

fn build_get(
        context: &Context, 
        builder: &Builder, 
        getchar_fn: &FunctionValue, 
        ptr: &PointerValue
    ) -> Result<(), String> {
    // call getchar
    let getchar_call = builder
        .build_call(*getchar_fn, &[], "getchar call");

    // get the result of getchar and store it in our pointer's value
    let getchar_result: Result<_, _> = getchar_call.try_as_basic_value().flip().into();
    let getchar_basicvalue =
        getchar_result.map_err(|_| "getchar returned void for some reason!")?;
    let i8_type = context.i8_type();
    // truncate since we are converting i8's to i32's
    let truncated = builder.build_int_truncate(
        "getchar truncate result",
    let ptr_value = builder
        .build_load(*ptr, "load ptr value")
    builder.build_store(ptr_value, truncated);


Compiling ‘,’

fn build_put(
        context: &Context, 
        builder: &Builder, 
        putchar_fn: &FunctionValue, 
        ptr: &PointerValue
    ) {
    // call putchar
    let char_to_put = builder.build_load(
        .build_load(*ptr, "load ptr value")
        "load ptr ptr value",
    // sign-extend, since we are conveting from i8's to i32's
    let s_ext = builder.build_int_s_extend(
        "putchar sign extend",
        .build_call(*putchar_fn, &[s_ext.into()], "putchar call");

Compiling ‘[’ and ‘]’

For our [ and ], we’re going to add this struct to

struct WhileBlock<'ctx> {
    while_start: BasicBlock<'ctx>,
    while_body: BasicBlock<'ctx>,
    while_end: BasicBlock<'ctx>,

Compiling ‘[’

We’re going to use a VecDeq<WhileBlock> to keep track of which ] corresponds to which [. Each [, we will push to the VecDeq, and each ], we will pop from the top of our VecDeq.

A WhileBlock is composed of three basic blocks.

  • while_start corresponds to the zero check. If the value at the data pointer is zero, we will jump to the end of the while block, otherwise, we will continue to the while_body block.

  • while_body block corresponds to the instructions between [ and ].

  • while_end is all of the instructions after the ].

use inkwell::IntPredicate;

 fn build_while_start<'ctx>(
        context: &'ctx Context,
        builder: &Builder,
        main_fn: &FunctionValue,
        ptr: &PointerValue,
        while_blocks: &mut VecDeque<WhileBlock<'ctx>>,
    ) {
        // create the while block
        let num_while_blocks = while_blocks.len() + 1;
        let while_block = WhileBlock {
            while_start: context.append_basic_block(
                *main_fn, format!("while_start {}", num_while_blocks).as_str(),
            while_body: context.append_basic_block(
                *main_fn, format!("while_body {}", num_while_blocks).as_str(),
            while_end: context.append_basic_block(
                *main_fn, format!("while_end {}", num_while_blocks).as_str(),
        let while_block = while_blocks.front().unwrap();


        // compare the value at ptr with zero
        let i8_type = context.i8_type();
        let i8_zero = i8_type.const_int(0, false);
        let ptr_load = builder
            .build_load(*ptr, "load ptr")
        let ptr_value = builder
            .build_load(ptr_load, "load ptr value")
        let cmp = builder.build_int_compare(
            "compare value at pointer to zero",

        // jump to the while_end if the data at ptr was zero
            .build_conditional_branch(cmp, while_block.while_body, while_block.while_end);

Compiling ‘]’

This function is fairly streightforward. We are just jumping back to the start_block of the matching [. The start_block will then re-compare the value at our ptr, and jump to the instruction after the ] if it is zero.

    fn build_while_end<'ctx>(
        builder: &Builder,
        while_blocks: &mut VecDeque<WhileBlock<'ctx>>
        ) -> Result<(), String> {
        if let Some(while_block) = while_blocks.pop_front() {
        } else {
            Err("error: unmatched `]`".to_string())

Wrap Up

That’s it! You should now have a functioning brainf*ck compiler using LLVM written in Rust!

Verify everything is working by testing the examples on wikipedia


cargo run -o output.o
gcc output.o

Hello, World!

cargo run -o output.o
gcc output.o
Hello World!

ROT13 Cipher

cargo run -o output.o
gcc output.o

Other Examples

There are loads of other cool Brainf*ck programs that people have written, such as: mandelbrot.b,, and Conway’s Game of Life!

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